Archive for December, 2011

Would you like a little Love & Romance?

December 29, 2011

It’s 2 days away from 2012! Yipeee, WooHoo! What’s wrong? You say you have no one to love! Have NO Fear, Vibration Visualization man is here!

How about creating some love and romance for yourself in the new year? It’s EASY to do! Just close your eyes and listen to my guided visualization!

Feel the 2012 CoSmiC EnergY REveLaTioN,
YoUR LoVE will B Your OWN SaLVatioN.

SweET and True, LoVE is Waiting 4 You,
I PrOmise yoUR LoVE is NOT in TimBuktu!


Andy AKA- Dr. LOVE

PS – There are no images in this video, WHY? I want you to close your eyes and use your imagination and activate the love vibration!


The Secret to Living is Giving!

December 28, 2011

You are the chosen one! Rise UP, you are healed! Can I get a witness?!

Woohoo! My cool brother Mike Dooley, got me a speaking gig at Bridges of America. But it doesn’t pay any money? This gig gives me something that money can’t buy. Fulfillment! It fills my heart with joy and I know I am making a difference.

It is part of TUT’s Train the Trainer program, what is that you ask?

We are a network of teachers, facilitators, coaches, friends, and mentors from every walk of life who lead/volunteer to provide a spiritual, non-religious, program on living deliberately, based on Infinite Possibilities: The Art of Living Your Dreams, to those who want to learn and apply such teachings.

Here’s the link to the Facebook group.

Here’s the link to web page.

Bridges of America is like a half way house. It’s a six-month program for men that have been in jail. It gives these men the necessary skills to go back out into the real world and make a positive difference.

The majority of them are dealing with some form of addiction and a criminal record.  All of them want to do good,  they want a 2nd chance at success and happiness.  Some of them have never heard about the Law of attraction or the power of positive thinking. Most of them believe that life is unfair and cruel. At times feeling like victims of a world that has gone mad. There only escape has been drugs, alcohol and crime. They know they did wrong but they justify it by saying, “What else could I do under my circumstances?” Not knowing the incredible power that lies dormant within them.

Every Tuesday morning I would go to Bridges of America and speak to the guys for one hour. I loved answering their questions and reminding them how powerful and creative they are; I shared a lot of my own personal stories of success and failure applying the Law of attraction into my life. Which I talk about in more detail in my book iManifest!

Mike’s book, “Infinite Possibilities” has been converted into the official workbook for Train the Trainer program. However, Mike allows you to use the material as an outline and encourages you to bring your own style, stories and tools to the training.

Mike spoke for 1 year at the actual jail and then did 7 weeks at Bridges. I continued after Mike at Bridges. Soon I’ll be speaking at the Jail.

After hearing Mike and me speak, theses guys are now believing in their own power and starting to think more positive and visualize what they want to create for themselves.

In the Vortex at Bridges of America.

The majority of them have gone from victim to creator. They now understand the power of their thoughts and focus. They are beginning to see how their positive and negative thoughts are shaping their life experiences.

Each week I would end the one hour talk with a guided visualization of them being successful and making a difference.  Plus, we would do an incantation by Tony Robbins, called, The Voice.  It’s a very powerful and emotionally moving incantation that gets them feeling their power and believing in themselves. Here are the words.

(repeat 3 times)

If you could imagine aprox. 35 guys standing up, saying this out loud with enthusiasm and determination. It is emotionally moving, and incredibly rewarding for them and me!


When I think where I was 4 years ago, and how I turned it all around. Using the same tools Mike teaches as well as others I picked up along the way, I KNOW these guys can do it too!

It all starts with your thoughts, beliefs and imagination, the only thing ever stopping you is your negative thinking. I want you to know, it’s never too late!

I taught them my Vibration Activation© process for stopping their negative thinking and creating a new story, which they loved.

See the pictures of me in action at Bridges. Plus, soon I am going to add an audio clip from one of my talks.

So here’s to positive thinking and believing in yourself! And Thanks Mike for the gig, I owe you!

If your interested in learning about how you can become a trainer and reach out to people in need in your community. Click Here!

The guys from Bridges of America

Have you seen “THRIVE”?

December 19, 2011

This weekend I watched the BEST documentary I have seen in a long time.

It’s called “THRIVE!” What on earth will it take?

I highly recommend you watch it!!! It provides answers to many of our problems today!

It also exposes the truth behind our economy, money, food and life on earth.

Here’s the trailer for it here.

WATCH IT NOW!! Click the link below!

It costs $5 online. I give it 10 stars!!! It’s a winner!

Click here to watch THRIVE!

Here’s a juicy guided visualization, enjoy:-)

December 11, 2011

I love making these guided visualization videos. I use Garage band on my MacBook Pro. It’s so much fun to find the right piece of music to go with the different parts of the visualization. WooHoo!

This is a new way for me to help you visualize your desires. Focusing your imagination and feeling the positive vibration of your success and happiness. The FEELING is most important when it comes to manifesting your desires.


Please listen and enjoy and if you like it please share it with your friends! Also, I take requests, please leave a comment and I’ll see what I can do for you!


Peek-A-Boo, it’s inside of you!

December 11, 2011

Number 1. Are you guilty of thinking negative thoughts?

Are you guilty of thinking positive thoughts?

Are you bipolar? Help!

The answers you are seeking, are not out there. They are inside of you, right behind your left kidney. LOL. Remember, you’re the one creating your reality based on your thoughts, beliefs and expectations.

The answers you seek are on a different vibration, or a different channel then the problem. You have to tune into the answer by thinking positive and FEELING optimistic for at least 68 seconds.

Be still, quiet your mind and you will hear your answers.

Number 2. Focus on where you’re going, not where you have been! This is a no brainer. But evidently many people have no brain, LOL!

Use the knowledge of where you have been, to determine where you want to go. Visualize yourself being successful, happy and naked! Just kidding about the happy part. LOL!

Visualize yourself meeting the right people. Create the feeling of success inside of you first and then allow your Inner Spirit Guide to guide you. You can read more about your Inner Spirit Guide in my book iManifest!

After you activate the vibration of your success and create the vision, then GO FOR IT!

Trust yourself, believe in yourself and KNOW you are worthy of success and happiness. Listen to my guided visualizations and you will SEE it, FEEL it and start LIVING it!


5 Minute Guided Visualization to Success & Happiness! Enjoy:-)

December 1, 2011

It only takes 5 minutes to radically shift your vibration and activate a new vibration of attraction!

When was the last time you visualized your success and happiness? Do it NOW and feel the WOW!

Andy  AKA – Mr. Visualization

PS – There are no images in this video, WHY? I want you to close your eyes and use your imagination!

U R Invincible

December 1, 2011


StoP Trying SO hArd,
Put DoWn Your guArd.

YoU aRe inVinCible, CApabLe and ReAdy,
StAy PositiVe and FoCuSed, RoCk SteAdy.

The AnsWers YoU seEK  Lie WitHin,
ActiVAte the Vibe and YoU wiLL WIN!

Andy AKA – Mr. Invincible

PS – My inspirational artwork would make a great gift for someone you know this holiday, check it out!