Zero Resistance

Andy Dooley's Ferrari and Jennifer Aniston
This past weekend I was singing along with Mick Jagger and the Rolling Stones, in my gas guzzling SUV!

Don’t hate me! I am going green…. soon. I promise! As soon as Ferrari releases their fuel cell green machine! (wink, wink)

“You can’t always get what you want, but if you try sometime you just might find, you get what you needdddddddddd, ah yeah!

Ever sing that song in your car?

Imagine… my Ferrari convertible top is down and my hair is blowing in the wind and my co-pilot is Jennifer Aniston! Can you see us laughing and singing along? I can:-)

Is it true, you can’t ALWAYS get what you want?

I say, “Hell to the NO! You can have it ALL my brothers and sisters!”

Can I get a WooHoo!”

You can have it all if you remember this one thing!

In life you ALWAYS get what you WANT if you remember you’re ALWAYS after the FEELING! Whatever you want right now is because of the feelings you want!

Do you have what you want in your life? If not, here’s what you might be doing wrong!!!

You might be too attached to a specific desire manifesting a certain way! ie. Specific job title, relationship with a certain person, certain type of house, car, body, specific amount of money.

Don’t get me wrong, specifics can create strong attraction power, but they can also create resistance.

Your desires in life give you something to focus on but, often times the more specific you get the more you don’t really believe it and you can get tangled up in the how’s.

You have to find a balance between being specific and general!

Remember you are always after the feeling not the manifestation.

If you want to be specific with your object of desire, then make sure when you think about and visualize the specifics, you feel good.

If being specific feels good, you’re on track, if it doesn’t feel good, be more general.

The best approach to getting what you want is to stay focused on the FEELING you want! By doing this you will be detaching from your object of desire and allowing the Universe INFINITE POSSIBILITIES! (My cool brothers book title)

Here’s how this applies to my Ferrari and Jennifer.
What I’m really after is the feeling of being with someone I am crazy about, driving a really nice car as both of us are cruising down the highway of life, singing and laughing! (It’s a metaphor)

The image of a Ferrari convertible and Jennifer Aniston is awesome and makes me feel good! But I am NOT attached to the Ferrari or Jennifer. I am after the feeling!

I am going to let the Universe figure out the best way to bring me the feelings I desire.

I am being specific but not so specific that I am creating resistance.

By using this approach I have zero resistance.

Questions for you
•What is your object of desire?
•What are the feelings you’re after?
•When you think about the specifics does it feel good or bad?
•Are you able to use your object of desire to focus your energy but remain detached from the outcome?

Answer the above questions and get yourself into zero resistance!

Andy – aka Mr. Feel Good:-)

PS – Today I was singing along with the Black Eyed Peas, “I GOT A FEELING”, and Jennifer said to say hi! I guess you know each other? Something about a past life:-)

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46 Responses to “Zero Resistance”

  1. Aleksandra Says:

    You are a great couple with Jeniffer!!!!!!!!!!!! Who-hooooooooo for the craziest couple on the earth!!!;)

  2. Glenn Wachler Says:

    Hi Andy – you are right on track – keep it up. Nice talking the other day. I will send your samples today as I just got back in town. I will be back in town for sure the beginning of April and we can always talk before. Make today a great day!

  3. Marlowe Says:

    Hi Andy, You’ve hit on a good one with this post. You’ve used a terrific analogy to stretch my understanding on this. Yes! I’m after the FEELING, and I don’t need the actual objects of my desire to be the props to help me get that feeling. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

  4. What You Want Is Not Necessarily What You Think You Want | Big Sister Coaching And Training Says:

    […] just read an amazing blog post by Andy Dooley – a truly funny, goofy, artistic but deeply spiritually insightful […]

  5. Susan Says:

    What a great way to start the day!! Thank you!!

  6. Sharon Says:

    If it feels good…do it…!

    Andy, when are you coming to Columbus?

  7. Gabriella' Says:

    Hell to the ya Andy!! Miz Gabbi from the streets.. sends you a jugallette Shout out, whopp da whoop whoop from Burque 505 you sexy beast!! Go for it!! Thanks for your phunnie thoughts…er…uh….they become things ya know!!??!

  8. Karen McMillan, ACC Says:

    Andy, love your art and your creative perspective. so with you on this. get clear! see with detail. get the FEELIN’! then LET IT GO! so works for me as the essence of creative visualization. thanks for your colorful reminder.

  9. Jim Dupre Says:

    Andy, I look forward to your email’s. This is sooooooooooooooooooo right on, thank you for the reminder. We’re a little crazy as well. When I first met and asked denise about being in/out of the BOX, she responded “what box”… Jim & denise

  10. Timothy Michael Ricke Says:

    I love the photo. I do know that your SUV is yellow… you’re getting closer.

  11. Carole Zingula Says:

    Love this one. “If you don’t feel it you don’t get it” If we don’t feel happy we won’t reap a happy day I always say. You have great humor and relay thought well. Love your art work. See you in Tahiti. Carole

  12. Beth Pry Says:

    That was sooo awesome!! I needed to read that today. I do find myself getting caught up in the “how’s” and “what’s”. I do have one question though…if I am asking for more income so I can do things I enjoy, like travel to France…what should I focus on? The feeling I will have being in France this spring…hopefully OR what I need to do to produce more income? Thanks! I look forward to your response!

    • andydooley Says:

      Hey Beth,

      Yes, focus on the feeling of being in France. But make it feel real, now! Not off in the future! You are in France now! done deal! wanting more money is easy, you’re great at attracting money! It’s just like a parking spot! You have to start feeling like you have more money. Mentally start spending the money!

      Now start telling the story of how your now manifesting an extra $2,000 a month! ASk the Universe to show you the way to fun and easy money. when you exercise tell the new story and say thank you and mentally spend the money! make a list of things you’re going to spnd the money on. KNOW that the money is coming. FEEL IT! FEEL rich, feel prosperous, feel good!

      You rock and you’re a hottie! HAVE FUN!



  13. Biddy Says:

    Hey Andy!

    Loved Zero Resistance! I have been a follower of Abraham-Hicks as well as your brother for quite awhile, and the way you explained resistance verses feeling was exceptional! I don’t think a lot of people understand how to visualize and how to feel at the same time!


    Biddy Lamb

  14. Marea Says:

    It has been so fun to watch you come into your own! It struck me as I was reading this how COOL it is that your family is the first (that I know of) to ALL become successful in teaching the l.o.a. Having two kids of my own, your mom is my hero, and you and Mike provide constant delight and inspiration. I hope that someday my two will get it!

    As soon as I grasped the law of attraction, I started changing the lyrics to songs as I sang them. I refused to affirm “You can’t always get what you want.” I changed U2’s “I still haven’t found what I’m looking for…” to “I’m READY to find what I’m lookin’ for!) We can take artistic license and change everything into a positive affirmation. : )

    Thank you for your art and your humor! Love and hugs to your whole family! ❤ (Omaha is LONG overdue for a visit from the Dooleys!)

  15. Rick Fox Says:

    The old earring trick in place sight.

    I looked for 1/2 an hour and never saw it. nice!


  16. Barbel Says:

    Right on, Andy!!… I just had a great feeling flashback: driving in a rented convertible (Mustang) along Pacific Highway 101 in Newport Beach with my beautiful daughter next to me last summer…..we where having a mother & daughter meet up weekend (she travels the world living her dream!), singing, laughing, letting our hair fly in the wind and “girltalking”!!…LIVE IS SWEET!!… 🙂

    Ps. when are you coming on my radio show?

  17. Holly Says:

    Thanks for this great post today. It’s got me FEELIN the love!

  18. Yifat Says:

    Picture it Andy: You’re in your Ferrari convertible top is down and your hair is blowing in the wind and your co-pilot is Jennifer Aniston!

    You look around at the magnificent view surrounding you and you recall that 1000 years ago, the whole planet was this beautiful. Nobody worried about clean water, clean air, pollution. The whole planet felt just like this. Then you think about today. You think about our struggle for clean water, clean air, healthier environment. Finally, you think about 1000 years into the future. And you say to yourself – “Hell to the NO! WE can have it ALL my brothers and sisters!

    You imagine clean water everywhere for everyone. Clean air for children to play in. And we all love you Andy! BECAUSE you’ve joined The Ethos Challenge and you’re going green WITH your Ferrari.

    You are a living example on how one can have it all AND live in harmony with it all. And it doesn’t cost you any money to pollute less. It costs you less money.

    You’ve join me, Andy, and thousands of eco-mates around the world as we have everything we want AND go green while we bask in the pleasure of it. Enjoying the feeling of the good we spread in the universe as we zoom through nature in our super fancy cars.

  19. Debra Says:

    Hi from New Zealand, I love your quirky art, it is so fresh and inspiring. And your words they cheer me up a treat.

  20. Catherine Says:

    Tell Jennifer “Hi back atya and leave me a blueberry muffin …”:-)

  21. Dmitriy Goncharuk Says:

    Thank you Andy
    Your emails make me feel so good every time i get them in my box !
    This are the feeling good that I look for every day
    I love the work you do Andy
    Don’t ever stop!

  22. Kimberlie Clare-Campbell Says:

    Beautifully put Andy, a perfect reminder for me today, we so often forget it’s all about the feeling. In gratitude 🙂

  23. Mike Shippey Says:

    Thanks for the reminder Andy!
    So often we do get caught up thinking know the best way or the “right way” for things to unfold.
    It’s awesome to stay in touch with your feelings, especially when you are pursuing your passion and following your heart (that sounded manly, right?)

    You’re always uplifting.
    Thanks man


  24. Barbara Says:

    Wonderful post! Woo hoo! Happy for you! Now, I’m off to get that feeling before going to bed. Thank you!

  25. angela Says:

    Hey Andy,
    Woo…Hooo…you just explained the resistance problem so CLEARLY, I got it….don’t be attached to the physical manifestation…get attached to the FEELING.
    Rock on…
    How I luuuv the Black Eyed Peas…
    Have you heard 3 little words with Cheryl Cole?
    ps Did I tell you when I did a vision board before moving to Spain 8 years ago…I cut out a 4×4 and when just over a year later it came to me, (paid mostly, out of the blue by the family!) it was a toyota rav 4 sooo similar to the pic!

  26. Jill Lentini Says:

    Good Stuff! I have a desire and I have been pretty specific with the universe although I am letting go of the how . . . now I will pay attention to the feeling and release the specifics. When I think of the desire, I feel lifted up (c: Mucho Gracias!

  27. Randall LaBranche Says:

    Andy….classic post….have enjoyed your messages and art in my mailbox….just kicked off a new business this year so following a lot of your advice. …and I’ll be singing “I got a Feeling” tomorrow night at the concert in Tampa

  28. Marcy Neumann Says:

    This is just AWESOME, Andy. The Universe truly is remarkable and it most certainly does deliver. You do great work — Thank YOU!


    Marcy Neumann
    Heartlites Incorporated

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